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Official statistical activity is regulated by Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics entered into force on 1 January 2017 and by Government Decree 184/2017. (VII. 5.) issued for the implementation of this law.

Official statistical activity is a public service regulated by law, supporting evidence-based decision-making through the publication of statistical data serving official information dissemination and the general awareness of society.

The purpose of this activity is to provide, through high-quality statistical information, a true and objective picture on the state of the society, the economy, the environment and their changes for the general public, business organisations, including financial markets, public organisations, local governments, nonprofit institutions, scientists, media stakeholders, institutions of the European Union and other international organisations.

 The Official Statistical Service (OSS) is composed of organisations playing an active role in the production of official statistics as defined above.

In addition to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO), the Official Statistical Service includes the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority, the National Bank of Hungary, Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft., the National Office for the Judiciary, the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Culture and Innovation, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development and the Public Procurement Authority of Hungary.

Among the main tasks of the Central Statistical Office (HCSO), as a professionally independent head govermental office responsible for official statistics, are the coordination of the official statistical activities of the OSS and the publication of guidelines and recommendations on official statistical activity.

In order to inform users of the official statistics as a whole, HCSO has set up a website for OSS, which presents the organisations that are responsible for the production of official statistics in addition to HCSO.

Visitors to this site will be able to learn about the official statistical activity of the respective OSS member broken down by organisation and the statistics and products thus produced, including their accessibility. The contact details of OSS members are available to users. The site also serves to present OSS public documents and important events.

The National Statistical Co-ordination Board (NSCB) plays a significant professional coordination role in the operation of the OSS and the role of the National Statistical Council (NSC) can be highlighted in terms of user needs and feedback from data providers. This website is also used to present the public documents of both bodies and the important events of the OSS.

National Statistics Code of Practice (pdf, 854 KB)


Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the National Statistical Co-ordination Board (NSCB) (pdf, 50 KB)


The Rules of Procedure of the National Statistical Coordination Board (pdf, 67 KB)